Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Week 1 - Starting Library 2.0

Well, here it is, January 24. I am exactly one month late in even starting this Library 2.0 learning project. Out of sheer guilt, I am doing this. I mean, I have the best intentions - I *want* to do this, but it just seems that there is never time for anything. When I was at Manager's Forum last Thursday, almost everyone raised their hand and said they were participating - I was just about the only person not doing this. The guilt was too much, so here I am....


Virtual Services Team said...

Ah, guilt. It is a powerful tool. It's great to have you on board, and we look forward to your posts. (By the way, it's never too late to get started on this.)

amhp said...

Hey, you at least DID it, unlike me, quitter that I am. The Donald would never select me as an apprentice!