Friday, March 23, 2007

#15 - Readings on Web 2.0

I am only now really starting to grasp the enormity of web 2.0, but Dr. Wendy Schultz talks about web 3.0 (afterlife, where all the cool kids already hang out) and web 4.0 (library spas).

It 's clear that we are so behind the curve. I keep thinking of this" what is the ONE THING that would be a quick win for us for the library in web 2.0"

- create an institutional myspace account, with disclaimers
- create those bookmarky things with and let others build on it

I guess that's TWO things, but I also think we need to make sure our staff are engaged in this. At the inservice today, I saw clerical staff really disengaged when Sandra was talking about Learning 2.0. You'd think some of them might be interested.... maybe they feel stressed.....

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