Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Week 23 - I did it!

Hey hey hey! This is great - I really didn't think I'd finish!

Here are my thoughts:

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
Learning how to blog has been great. I also liked seeing what other libraries are doing. Here is the weird thing. I use Yahoo and Google, right? Those now seem very two-dimensional. Web 2.0 is 3 dimensional. But here is what is still getting me - i think i saw somewhere, or else heard from Abrams, that there are over 200 web 2.0 sites! zowey! So, how do i get there from here? e.g., why doesn't Yahoo or Google have a 'web 2.0' section where they list all this stuff? or, maybe they do, and i am a luddite and just missed the boat!

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? Not to sound cliche, but it really did change the way I see things. I am glad I was forced to trudge through this stuff. It showed me how much is missing, how much I don't know, how much we need to change.... I need the nudge!

3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
It re-inspired me to change some of the ways we look at services. Do we need to redefine some of our core services to incorporate 2.0? I think yes.... but how to we get there from here?

4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you all kept offering workshops. I didn't attend the first few, but really needed it at the end. It was such a help - it was like having a cheering section....

One small thing i'd do - double check the links in the tutorials. I got discouraged somewhere around lesson 3 because the links weren't working right.

5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate? Yes.

ebooks and audiobooks

I have to say that i have already explored them, so feel like i am 'ok' in this area. Thanks to Sandra for her post about the Gutenburg rip-off........

Look ma- i'm almost done!


i went onto podcast, and wanted to hear a podcast on healthy cooking. first, i had to download quicktime, which meant i had to reboot, and then i lost everything.
anyhoo, i found a podcast, and am listening to it now, about capers..... interesting..... did you know they are unopened flowers? i did not know that! who cares about looking for library-related podcasts - let's talk cooking!



I tried to embed, but it didn't work. Anyway, this is called "Creation Science 101"



I don't know if this link will work- i added 5 items. guess i am a luddite - i wanted to add a music cd, since i just bought this most righteous cd, but i guess librarythaaang is for books, and people don't collect other things?????? i had to catalog that cd by HAND! EGADS! I haven't done original cataloging in a loooong time.

Zoho Writer

I played around with zoho writer. for some reason, when i tried to publish to my blog, it wouldn't recognize my blog account.

I know that our web team has links to this type of software - I tried to find it on our website, but after 3 minutes, gave up.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Look Ma - I know wiki!

One day recently my son asked me something about Antartica. We talked for a bit, and then I said "what maide you think of that?" He said "I was bored, so I started clicking around Wikipedia."

I looked @ the library catalogs. This is what I think:
a. it's cool that libraries are using this to create content
b. i thought it was kinda weird that on one of those pages, only librarians could add/change/delete content, but yet that showed to the public (you'd think there'd be a way to hide that if the public can't comment/ edit - isn't that the point?)
c. we have more work to do......

#15 - Readings on Web 2.0

I am only now really starting to grasp the enormity of web 2.0, but http://www.oclc.org/nextspace/002/6.htm Dr. Wendy Schultz talks about web 3.0 (afterlife, where all the cool kids already hang out) and web 4.0 (library spas).

It 's clear that we are so behind the curve. I keep thinking of this" what is the ONE THING that would be a quick win for us for the library in web 2.0"

- create an institutional myspace account, with disclaimers
- create those bookmarky things with del.icio.us and let others build on it

I guess that's TWO things, but I also think we need to make sure our staff are engaged in this. At the inservice today, I saw clerical staff really disengaged when Sandra was talking about Learning 2.0. You'd think some of them might be interested.... maybe they feel stressed.....

Technorati and all that tagging stuff!

I still am not sure I totally understand everything. Like, for instance, I just saw that video
about Hilary Clinton that is on Youtube. So, I guess I am confused because I thought that Technorati indexed other blogs, but youtube, I don't think, is a blog, so what is up with that?

And, when I searched Learning 2.0, I saw Matt Lopez's page. Coolio. However, on his blog, he has these cool links on the side of his page. How did he do that? I guess I missed something.....

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Exercise 13 del.icio.us

Well! I think one of the most useful things was to see how other public libraries are using del.icio.us I found it interesting, and I could see how it would be cool to do this for library customers, because:
1. customers see us as experts, so why not feed it to them in a web 2.o way, rather that a webliography!
2. allows us to see how our users are using our info (how many are linking to it)
3. we could check out their links, and get insights into what they are thinking/reading/interested in
4. shows a new way for us to connect to them

I also think it is free-form thinking, which is appealing.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007



so i am going to pass on creating my own, but i get the concept.

##11 - week 5 - best of the best web 2.0 tools

Technorati rocks. I can see that I will use this in the future - it allows you to search for blogs on topics that you would like.

Creating a superhero


in exercise 10, i generated a superhero of myself, but i don't know how to send that link.

i also made a cropcircle, to reflect my favorite movie, signs.


This actually was a fun excercise.

RSS Feeds and News Feeds - Week 4, excercises 8&9

Ohmygawd. Here I am sitting in the computer lab in King, trying to get through all of this. One thing I learned is that my blog automatically creates a feed. That is cool. I found bb-d-lish's blog/feed, and added it to my blogline.

i think one of the downsides is that so many of us have our anonymous names, so no one would know that i am pippi unless i told them! the ups and downs of being anonymous! although, i would love to add an avatar to my blog!
